Wednesday 31 October 2012

Original Lesson 29: 3D Venn diagrams

Recently I taught Venn diagrams. I had assessment task relating to these on a worksheet, however, before I administered that as one of my many pieces of data in preparation for report writing, I wanted to teach it in a fun and engaging way. I set up, using our numeracy's room stock of shapes, Venn diagrams across my flexible learning space using hoops borrowed from the PE room.

I set these up in accordance with the three math groups I have in my class and to avoid overcrowding I asked each group to start on the diagram I had specifically set up for them until they correctly answered that one. At that point, the students would progress to the next most challenging diagram. Students who answered their allocated diagrams correctly during the session progressed to make their own out of the leftover hoops and shapes.

I've suggested some possible answers to the ones I set up, but other answers that made sense and held true were also accepted of course.

Left circle: 3D shapes.
Right circle: Squares.
Middle: 3D shape made up of squares.
Outside: 2D shapes that are not squares.

Left circle: Blue 3D shapes.
Right circle: Squares and triangles.
Middle circle: Blue 3D shape made up of squares and triangles.
Outside: 3D shapes that are not blue OR 2D shapes that are not squares or triangles.

Left circle: 4-sided shapes with diagonal edges.
Right circle: 4-sided shapes with linear edges.
Middle circle: 4-sided shapes with linear and diagonal edges.
Outside: Shapes that do not have 4 sides.

How have you turned a potential worksheet lesson into a more active and engaging task?

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